100 quilts for kids: progress!

The deadline for 100 Quilts for Kids is right around the corner, so I thought I’d share a quick peek of where I’m at!

100 quilts for kids

What the huh??? OK, I might be having a little too much fun. Or, I’ve gone completely insane. Possibly some wonderful combination of the two… I originally planned on making one, maybe two quilts. But as you can see, those numbers have grown. I couldn’t help myself!

To recap, 100 Quilts for Kids is an annual charity quilt drive that encourages quilters to make and donate a quilt to a child in need. This year it’s being hosted by Quilts in the Queue and it runs from August 1st – September 30th (only a few days away, don’t remind me!).

I’ve been wanting to make some quilts for charity for quite a while, so this was the perfect opportunity.

I gave myself a few guidelines:

  1. use as much fabric from my stash as possible.
  2. pick prints/colors and quilt patterns that just make me happy.
  3. finish one quilt before moving on to another. (obviously, I failed miserably at this one).

Anyway, time to get back to it. Wish me luck! Stay tuned for pics of the finished quilts and info on the charities they’re going to.

And hey, if you’re a fast quilter, there are still a few days to get in on the fun! Info and guidelines can be found here.


Have a lovely weekend!
