2016 finish-along: Q1 goals

2016 FAL

Well, 2015 has come and gone. And yet, my pile of UFOs still sits, taunting me waiting to be finished.

This time around, I’ve decided to take a slightly different approach than in previous quarters. Instead of listing every project under the sun (and inevitably overwhelming and then disappointing myself), I decided to really think about what I have to finish, and choose the 5 projects that would make me happiest to work on right now.

Q1 Finish-A-Long

So without further ado, here’s my list of proposed finishes for Q1 of 2016!

  1. 8-bit quilt- pieces cut, need to assemble and finish
  2. jelly roll wedding quilt – pieces cut, need to assemble and finish
  3. LAMQG solids challenge – have my fabric and idea
  4. high tea quilt – top finished, need to finish back etc.
  5. high tea pillows – fronts finished, need to assemble

I’ll be sharing my projects as I finish them. For now, the rest of my unfinished projects will go back on the shelf so I can focus on getting these done and put to good use!

This year, the FAL is being hosted by not one, but nine fantastic bloggers!

Be sure to check out everyone’s proposed finishes. You can also follow along and offer encouragement on Instagram by searching #2016FAL

have a fantastic weekend!
