a happy little rainbow skirt for skirt week!

What do you need to make a happy little rainbow skirt? Start with a colorful stack of fabric strips that you can’t bring yourself to toss, add a healthy dash of patience, and presto! Ok, there are a few steps I left out, but you get the idea. I’ve been wanting to make this forever, and Skirt Week presented the perfect motivation to finally do it.

I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out. And, it made the Top 10 for children’s skirts. Woo! There were some great entries, and I had a ton of fun!

Girl's Rainbow Skirt

Just look at all those delicious colors! It’s no wonder I couldn’t get rid of them.

Rainbow Fabric Strips

Even the scraps are happy!

Rainbow Fabric Scraps

Maybe one of these days I’ll make one for myself :)
